Home Life Style Couple stunned by extremely rare outcome of quadruplet birth

Couple stunned by extremely rare outcome of quadruplet birth



One Louisiana-based couple celebrated the end of 2024 with an extraordinary delivery — quadruplet daughters.

On November 20, Farrah Larry went in for her cesarean section knowing she was about to give birth to four healthy baby girls. What she and her husband Peyton didn’t know was that their babies would come out as two sets of identical twins.

In conversation with People, the 29-year-old mother spoke about the remarkable birth, which occurred just before Thanksgiving.

“I was laughing and crying at the same time,” she remembered before adding: “My husband was about to pass out.”

The happy couple, who met in college, found out they were having quadruplets only after they announced they were expecting in May 2024. Because they’d conceived their girls naturally, they were stunned to hear Farrah was carrying more than one baby.

According to the Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, the odds of conceiving quadruplets without any fertility treatment are large, falling somewhere between 1 and 512,000 or 1 and 677,000, not to mention the extremely rare outcome of having two sets of identical twins.

“Clearly God has a plan for these girls because the odds were against us. We’ve just got to trust Him,” Farrah said.

The new parents originally referred to the children as Baby A, B, C, and D, before they were named Paisley, Psalm, Lyric, and Fallyn. Paisley and Psalm are one set of twins, while Lyric and Fallyn are another.

Peyton and Farrah left their monikers up to fate, picking each name from a random draw out of a brown bag.

“As the baby came out, he would pull out the name and say, ‘Alright, this is Lyric…,’” Farrah explained.

Each baby came out of the womb weighing about four pounds. They were placed in a neonatal intensive care unit for a few weeks before they were allowed to be released from the hospital.

“I’m sleeping maybe three and a half hours a night,” Farrah shared with People. “For diapers, we’re going through seven or eight a day, times four. We’re going through packs quickly. It’s the same for bottles; they eat like eight times a day.”

In 2023, an Alabama-based couple witnessed their own miracle, welcoming quadruplets, two sets of identical twins. The boys — David and Daniel — and the girls — Evelyn and Adeline — were carried by Hannah Carmack and welcomed via cesarean section when she was 27 weeks.


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